alstrukdat1920 IF6121003 - Algoritma Struktur Data - WAA

Hello, Students....

Welcome to Data Structures and Algorithm Course!
My name is ANDI and I’ll be your instructor for this course that runs for 1 semester.

This is the homepage for our course and I will post a new message each week which will help you focus on the important tasks for the week ahead. From this message, I suggest you:
1. Access the technology tutorial located on your Home page if you are new to the learning Hub, this online learning management system.
2. Look through the course to familiarize yourself with the technology and the content of the course.
3. Read the course outline and contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
4. Read all the material in the Getting Started section of the course, which you will find in the Table of Contents (Content link in the navigation bar above).

I look forward to working with you during this course.
